Their service is E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T and for around SGD$20(if you are dining in pairs;the more the cheaper) you will get a very good meal! I went there twice, and both times are with my uncle when he came to visit me. He's a big fan of thai food and seafood :)
What we ordered
ah... I love their 月亮虾饼 <3
There is 冬粉 hidden below the prawns and they always go well when fried with prawns
My uncle's favorite is this pandan chicken~ Their portion is very generous heh
*Dessert time* Honeydew sago~ They have a lot of other desserts with coconut milk that is superbbbbbb toooo :P
Mad love my Katrina that takes very nice photos now :DD
Here's the link if you want to know where the outlets are located. They have stores all over Taiwan, should be easy to find :D
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